Just like a traditional Greek GRIFFIN, the Griffin was thought to be very powerful while being known to guard treasure and priceless possessions. Larry D. “Griff” Griffin is just that; a quiet storm, a force to be reckoned with. He is his family’s bulwark of strength. He humbly serves his community as an advocate for history, mentorship and most of all, he displays compassion. “GRIFF” as he’s passionately called, is a native of Blythewood SC born to the proud parents of Nettie Griffin Benson and the late Truzell Alfonso Kelly.
“GRIFF” received his education in the Richland School District #2, and he attended the historic Bethel-Hanberry High until it closed in 1970. He then went on to Spring Valley High School in Columbia, SC and graduated in 1972.
Larry D. “GRIFF” Griffin’s straight from the heart, and that passion and high energy allowed him to step beyond limitations and into an area of athletic greatness as an Honor Society Athlete. Larry D. “GRIFF” Griffin was found great in Track, Football, Basketball, and Baseball where he was 1969’s Baseball Rookie of the Year. Making history was in his bones at a very early age. Larry D. “GRIFF” Griffin was the First African American to play baseball at Spring Valley High where he set the school’s stolen base record in 1972. Graduating top 3rd percentile in a class of over 400.
“GRIFF” went on to further his education as he attended Grambling State University, (Grambling LA) and SC State University (Orangeburg SC) where he majored in Business Administration and minored in Economics. While being a double major he still found tenacity and determination and accomplished being a baseball shortstop, made the Dean’s list, Society of Advanced Management and he Co-founded Mu Phi Mu Social Society.

Larry D. “GRIFF” Griffin is a very successful, yet inspiring business professional. He is a highly influential Director with Universal Benefits Inc., a Licensed Insurance Agent, Certified Consultant, Financial Advisor and a certified business Trainer and Business Consultant. He is the CEO and Founder of GEMMS LLC a company specializing in various resources such as, Life Insurance, Final Expense, Investments, IRA’s, Annuities, Real Estate, Residential/Commercial and Investment properties. GEMMS LLC also specializes in trainings, seminars, clinics and camps that have caused ordinary individuals to become extraordinary achievers. Along side him is a very special dynamic, strong yet professional God fearing woman; his wife Leanora Jamison Griffin President of ServeFirst Travel and Special Events which caters to your travel needs such as, Cruises, Tours, Get-Aways, Excursions, Conventions and Customized Special Events.
GRIFF” is a proud and active member of Macedonia Baptist Church. At Macedonia, he serves on the Executive Board, Trustee Board, Program Committee Vice-President, Brotherhood Auxiliary, Former President of the Usher Board, Advisor to the Budget Committee, Executive Director of the Churches food Pantry. In the local community he is the former organizer and President of the Blythewood Youth Sports League Board of Directors, President of the Dillon County Boys and Girls Club and a Proud Bethel-Hanberry Alumni Associate.
Larry D. “GRIFF” Griffin is a great inspiration to many but his greatest inspiration is his 3 Children.
His life is best characterized by these truths “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me” Philippians 4:13, and the Serenity Prayer “God give me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Finally “The Greatness of a man is not determined in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and ability to affect those around him positively.” –Bob Marley